Holistic Health: The Role of Body Energetics and Weight

Most people do not understand the role of weight and its functionality, and equal weight loss to a symbol beauty and health.
We treat our weight as an enemy, and we want to maintain exactly the same weight we had when we were 18. However, weight plays a huge positive role of a buffer in our body, just like it does for the animal world.
Here are some of the functions of the body weight:
1. Accommodate Seasons and Life Cycle Changes. In winter we are supposed to gain weight to be able to regulate our body temperature better and to counteract shortage of nutrients in foods. In ancient times, in majority of cultures women used to wear belts and had loose clothing, which allowed for seasonal body weight fluctuations, when they would gain and lose 5-20 lbs. on an annual basis. Then there were pregnancy and breastfeeding that needed clothes to be on a loose side. Modern clothes do not have provisions for any of these. They are tight, and every time you gain a few pounds, you need to change them.
2. Type of Work You Do. People who primarily work physically or do a lot of weight lifting will naturally build larger muscles and a wider body frame, to adapt.
3. Age. Age also affects your body weight. In spite of perception that you should maintain the same weight throughout your lifetime, your figure changes over the years, and it is completely normal.
4. Life and Work Responsibilities. It may seem unrelated, but as you get older, you take more and more social responsibility and go through various life challenges. As a result, your body needs a higher physical and energetic mass to handle those. Your bones, which are you energetic reservoirs, will typically get stronger and bigger, to meet the increasing demands of heavier emotional and physical loads. There are a few exceptions, but in most cases if you stay super slim, you may get tired more easily and be less resilient emotionally. For example, many singers, when they lose too much weight, lose strength of their voice. But this is relevant not only to signing. You need sufficient physical and energetic mass for what’s on your plate.
5. Handling Emotional Insecurity. The body builds an external fortress for your soul, if you do not feel safe emotionally. If a person is constantly exposed to high stress and has difficulty to cope with it, or just underwent a serious trauma, it will impact his/her body weight by either weight loss or weight gain. Gaining weight is your body’s way of protecting your heart through the physical body.
It is much more difficult for a body to handle physical and emotional stresses, if it is low on nutritional resources and does not have a buffer where negative emotions can be stored safely until they can be released. For example, it is well-known that “tissues hide issues” and the science of pshychoomatic therapy has proven that trauma can be released through the body. Another example of high levels of toxins produced by emotions is painful menses and PMS. During the PMS accumulated negative emotions are released, both physically and emotionally. A woman may get very emotional and/or to suffer with cramps.
Genetic Make-up.
Your body type is significantly influenced by your genetic predisposition. Lifestyle and background of your immediate family and your ancestors will significantly predetermine your body shape.
In a sense, weight fluctuations are a blessing in disguise. Our body is meant to change, when we need it.
Body Energetics and Weight
Body weight does not just show how active your lifestyle is and the type of food you eat (even though they do play a role). Your body primarily reflects how you process energy and how you handle stress.
For example, if you are accustomed to overcoming a lot of challenges, have good life skills, you will suffer with less anxiety and fears. As a result you will not have a large load of negative emotions to store in your body. Then it will be easy for your body to maintain healthy weight range. Provided you have more or less quality diet and exercise routine, of course.
However, on approximately the same diet, if you constantly worry and are afraid to deal with various life situations, you will be accumulating a lot of negative emotions in your body. One of the functions of your body weight is to be as a protective shield and a storage for your emotions.
The location where you gain weight is very important. Depending which part you store the most emotions (your own and people you interact with), this is where typically your weight will have tendency to accumulate. For example, for women, it is frequently hip or breast area. This is where are located our heart, sacral and base chakras, and women use them a lot in their interaction with the external world.

Heart charka is connected to nurturing others and feeling nurtured. If you have a lot of stressful interactions with others or fears about communicating with others, or you have been a caregiver, you may start gaining weight in the breast area.
Sacred charka is connected to our ability to connect with others and sexuality. Base chakra is our sense of security and safety. There is usually a strong connection between excess weight in lower part of the body and feeling of insecurity.
Most men (and some women) gain weight in predominantly abdominal area, where the solar plexus chakra is located. This chakra helps us to make day-to-day decisions, take risks and is connected to our leadership skills and financial success. People who are driven will often have fat in the abdominal area, which also means that their solar plexus chakra and life skills required for handling their responsibilities are not strong enough for what they need to do.
Why Most People Gain the Weight Back
Since your body and energetics are interconnected, you may work super hard on changing your diet and lifestyle, without addressing the energetic part you may not see much improvement. Or you may be successful in getting the weight off, and then to start binging and gain it back, with addition of a few extra pounds.
The reason why most people go through “lose-gain” cycles is because you cannot fool your body. It knows exactly how much weight it needs for the buffer and where it needs to store it, in order to be able to compensate for the lack of emotional resiliency. The body will “make you” eat, to restore its own “homeostasis”, which may not be what you want it to do, but what it is used to do to handle the life challenges. Only the people with very strongest will power can control their body 100% of the time, but it takes so much of their effort and may be super exhausting.
The solution to this fight with yourself is not dieting. What you need to do is to work with your traumas and fears, as well as to increase your life skills, work on overcoming your personal weaknesses and creation of a solid life plan. First, you need to create stability in your life and environment, and then to work on your body. When you feel emotionally more “together” and safe, when you have more steady rhythm of life and daily routine, it will be much easier to correct your body weight. Before these changes take place, your body needs “cushion” for handling the life challenges you are struggling with.
Yes, you will need to make changes in your diet and get on a quality exercise routine (you cannot live on pizza and sit on a couch all day and expect to be fit). However, if you just try to correct your weight without working on your core inner strength and emotional resiliency (=energetic mass), the results will be very temporal and you will continue the yo-yo pattern. Or you will exhaust your body trying to get rid of extra pounds, which will deplete your resources, just to found that you lost motivation and enthusiasm to maintain the strict routines you created.
Key Thoughts

Body weight fluctuations in different stages of life and seasons are normal and should not be considered a “disorder” to be “treated.” Do not buy into “one for all” body size and weight. They do not exist. You have the body you have because of your current individual needs and because what you’ve been doing with this body many lives prior (your body is an accumulative energetic imprint from the previous lives).
Your body weight and shape represent your current energetic state, which is determined by your physical and mental activity, genetic make-up, current physical and emotional challenges, as well as your ability to handle life depending on the acquired life skills.
Your body serves you best under the current circumstances. You may need higher physical and energetic body mass to handle your life than you think, and it may be your positive leverage (just like it is for a professional singer).
Trying to get your weight or inches at a specific number through stimulation may have a negative impact on your health and usually will have a temporal effect. Instead of focusing on the “ideal body”, it is important to focus on building your physical and emotional health and resiliency.
Your body weight and even shape may change slowly, if you do the work from the inside out. It is a very slow process and may take more than one life and is not always needed. Therefore, the first step is self-acceptance and appreciation of the body you have. You need to stop judging yourself by your weight. You are a beautiful living soul and it does not gain or lose weight, and it does not grow old (unless you choose it).