Fresh Start Health Spa

Fresh Start Spa Services

Fresh Start Health Spa services are designed to enhance the detoxification process. Depending on the package chosen, we’ll book for you the following one-on-one treatments:

Therapies included in Packages

Services Package (2 Treatments)
1 Massage, 90-min $190
1 Salt Body Glow followed by massage, 90 min $190
Total Value of Services included: $380
Services Package (4 Treatments)
1 Standard Colonic with Chlorophyll $140
1 Standard or Coffee Colonic $140
1 Massage, 90-min $190
1 Salt Body Glow followed by massage, 90 min $190
Total Value of Services included: $660
Services Package (4 Treatments)
1 Massage, 90-min $190
1 Salt Body Glow followed by massage, 90 min $190
1 Energy Therapy (ex. Reiki, Craniosacral,
Somatic Therapy), 90 min $190
1 Life Coaching, 90 min $190
Total Value of Services included: $760
Services Package (3 Treatments)
1 Massage, 90-min $190
1 Salt Body Glow followed by massage, 90 min $190
1 Energy Therapy (ex. Reiki, Craniosacral,
Somatic Therapy), 90 min $190
Total Value of Services included: $570
Services Package (6 Treatments)
1 Standard Colonic with Chlorophyll $140
1 Standard or Coffee Colonic $140
2 Massages, 90-min each $190 x 2
1 Salt Body Glow followed by massage, 90 min $190
1 Energy Therapy (ex. Reiki, Craniosacral,
Somatic Therapy), 90 min $190
Total Value of Services included: $1040
Services Package (6 Treatments)
2 Massages, 90-min each $190 x 2
1 Salt Body Glow followed by massage, 90 min $190
2 Energy Therapies (ex. Reiki, Craniosacral,
Somatic Therapy), 90 min $190 x 2
1 Life Coaching, 90 min $190
Total Value of Services included: $1140
Services Package (2 Treatments)
1 Massage, 90-min $190
1 Salt Body Glow followed by massage, 90 min $190
Total Value of Services included: $380
Services Package (4 Treatments)
1 Standard Colonic with Chlorophyll $140
1 Standard or Coffee Colonic $140
1 Massage, 90-min $190
1 Salt Body Glow followed by massage, 90 min $190
Total Value of Services included: $660
Services Package (4 Treatments)
1 Massage, 90-min $190
1 Salt Body Glow followed by massage, 90 min $190
1 Energy Therapy (ex. Reiki, Craniosacral,
Somatic Therapy), 90 min $190
1 Life Coaching, 90 min $190
Total Value of Services included: $760
Services Package (4 Treatments)
1 Massage, 90-min $190
1 Salt Body Glow followed by massage, 90 min $190
1 Energy Therapy (ex. Reiki, Craniosacral,
Somatic Therapy), 90 min $190
Total Value of Services included: $570
Services Package (6 Treatments)
1 Standard Colonic with Chlorophyll $140
1 Standard or Coffee Colonic $140
2 Massages, 90-min each $190 x 2
1 Salt Body Glow followed by massage, 90 min $190
1 Energy Therapy (ex. Reiki, Craniosacral,
Somatic Therapy), 90 min $190
Total Value of Services included: $1040
Services Package (6 Treatments)
2 Massages, 90-min each $190 x 2
1 Salt Body Glow followed by massage, 90 min $190
2 Energy Therapies (ex. Reiki, Craniosacral,
Somatic Therapy), 90 min $190 x 2
1 Life Coaching, 90 min $190
Total Value of Services included: $1140

Important Terms for Detox Package:

  • Colonics are a must in this Package and cannot be replaced with another type of treatment.
    • If do not want to do colonics, use can use Base Package and add other therapies you’d like. Or go with Recharge.
  • Specific Therapists and Times of Appointments Requests cannot be accommodated (though if you have appointments on specific dates/ times during your stay, we’ll do our best to accommodate). You’ll get a variety of therapists and times.
  • The appointment type in your package can be changed by your request at the registration time (except for colonics).
  • If any appointments in your package are unavailable due to a therapist’s availability issues, they will be replaced with another one of equal value, but not necessarily of the same type.

Additional Services: you may request additional services on top of the Package. To prevent “overhealing,” we do not allow more then two 90 min treatments per day. Highly recommended for deeper detoxification: Infrared sauna and Halotherapy.

Halotherapy (salt cocoon) includes inhalation of small salt particles produced by a halogenerator. This therapy is highly beneficial for detoxification and strengthening your respiratory system, which is essential in our day and age.

Enhancement Add-on Packages

Main Reason We Offer These: while many guests are happy with just base packages, some have been inquiring about additional appointments. Add-on packages are not mandatory, but if you’d like extras, they must be pre-purchased before arrival. We cannot guarantee the availability of any appointments upon arrival.

Reason #2: The packages ensure safe and effective combinations of treatments. Excessive number and certain combinations of treatments may not be optimum or even harmful. A random combo of treatments, in our experience, may be ineffective.

Options: Emotional Rebalancing | Burnout Recovery | Digestive Detox | Weight Loss | Lung Rejuvenation | Joint Rejuvenation | Enhanced Detox | Enhanced Detox 2 | Food Allergies/Sensitivities Meal Customization

Services Rates

  • Massages, Energy Treatments and Life Coaching are 90-min long and cost $190 per session

  • Colonics, $140 (availability of extra appointments limited)

  • Castor Oil Pack $60

  • Halotherapy 20 min, $50

  • Infrared Sauna 30-45 min, $50

  • Private Fitness, Yoga and Cooking Classes 60 min, $130

  • Detox Foot Bath with Nettle and Clay, 60min $130, 90 min $190

  • Ionic Foot Bath, 45 min $130, 90 min $215

  • Tachyon Mat Session, 20 min $25

  • Laser Therapy, 30 min $70, 45 min $100


Services Package does not include any registered therapists services.

Ocean Resort Spa Center


Services List

Detoxification Treatments

Colonics (=Colon Hydrotherapy Sessions) are designed for cleansing the colon of mucoid plaque, parasites, Candida and other impurities, as well as helping to reshape and tone the colon muscles. During the procedure, temperature-controlled purified water is gently introduced into the colon through the rectum. Implants of electrolytes and organic chlorophyll, an electrolyte drink, and an abdominal massage are included. Colonics are usually followed by sensations of feeling lighter, clean and energized and sometimes by 1 to 3 lbs. less on the scale.

Colonics may significantly enhance the results of the detox program. Please ask for specific dates when they are available.

We use a specially prepared de-acidified organic coffee that assists the liver and gallbladder detox during a colonic session. It has become a standard procedure in helping people with cancer. According to Dr. Gerson’s case studies, such fast-killing cancers as pancreatic, lung, ovarian and childhood melanoma were reversed with the help of coffee enemas. Coffee contains enzymes called Palmitates that help the liver carry away the toxins in bile acid.

Palmitates in coffee increase the production of powerful free-radical-quenching enzymes Glutathione S-transferases (GST) by 700 times. These assist your liver in detoxifying your entire body more effectively. The caffeine in the coffee stimulates peristaltic activity and dilates the bile ducts allowing toxins to be flushed through the gastrointestinal tract.

Heart conditions and very high blood pressure. Also, when a more gentle colonic with chlorophyll is best, also if there is a significant inflammation of the GI tract or debilitation.

The infrared wave’s vibrations are similar to those of water. They, therefore, can penetrate deep tissue, 0.5-1.5 inches, knocking toxins loose from body fat cells and releasing them through sweating. This therapy can be effective for heavy metal or medication detoxification, arthritis, many skin conditions, weight loss, injuries, pain relief, and for promoting healing. It may also help reduce cellulite.

Who Benefits:

Those exposed to industrial or other chemicals, pesticides, or whose system is loaded with heavy metals. Those who quit smoking.

There is a unique machine used in this treatment. We start by filling a tub with warm water. Salt is added to the warm water to improve conductivity. Then we place an array into the tub to produce a gentle electrical current.

Depending on our chosen settings, this direct current breaks the water into positively charged hydrogen ions and oxygen gas or negatively charged hydroxide ions and hydrogen gas.

When the machine is turned on, you might notice a slight tingling sensation in the feet. That’s because our bodies are made of water and electrolytes, allowing the current to travel through the body. This current causes the tingling sensation as it works as a catalyst to boost the body’s natural detoxifying abilities.

By the end of the session, the water changes colour. The oxidation of the metal plates causes the colour change in the array, and the ions react with solutes in the water.

The electrical current travels throughout the body and stimulates lasting detoxification effects.

Notes: This treatment can also be used for hands and has been found very helpful by some people with arthritis. If you do a 90-min treatment, you’ll start with lymph activation using Chi Machine and finish with a mini reflexology session.

This therapy must be done as a series of treatments, 2 to 3 times per week.

What is Halotherapy?

Halotherapy is a dry salt therapy in which your respiratory tract or skin is exposed to excellent salt particles. Halotherapy is created for an individual healing experience and is performed in a specially designed unit called Salt Cocoon, consisting of a therapeutic bed and a halogenerator.

While you lay and breathe normally in the Cocoon, the halogenerator granularly crushes pharmaceutical-grade salt into micro-particles and turns it into a salt aerosol that fills up the whole Cocoon through a ventilation system below your feet. The negative ions from the salt cleanse your body by pulling the toxins out, while the lungs and the skin absorb the minerals and the elements of the salt right into your body, balancing your pH levels. The lung and energetic detoxification effects are achieved through physical and energetic osmosis.

Pharmaceutical-grade salt, used in halotherapy, is anti-bacterial and clean, providing healing benefits without additives. The negative ions from the salt cleanse your body by pulling the toxins out, while the lungs and the skin absorb the minerals and the elements of the salt right into your body, balancing your pH levels. The effects are achieved through physical and energetic osmosis.

Halotherapy is Used for:

  • Lung & Skin Detoxification and Restoration
  • Deep Relaxation & Stress Reduction
  • Enhanced Psycho-Emotional Well Being

Health Benefits

Dry Salt/Halo Therapy assists with the healing of the respiratory system, inflammation, and skin problems. The scientific studies done in Europe, Russia and the United States have proven to improve the symptoms of:

  • Allergies
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • Coughs & Colds
  • Cystic Fibrosis
  • Eczema
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Sinus & Ear Infection
  • Sleeping Problems
  • Smokers Cough
  • Snoring
  • Stress & Fatigue
  • Psoriasis


While in the Salt Cocoon, close your eyes and breathe. Your head is slightly elevated to ensure proper elimination and drainage of toxins by the lymphatic system. If you wish, you may bring your favourite relaxation music (place it outside of the Cocoon or in your pocket to avoid salt deposits). You do not need to remove clothing unless you are working with a skin condition, in which case you need to be in a swimsuit.

What will I feel?

Because the salt particles are so small, you don’t feel them entering your lungs or being deposited onto your skin. You may, however, taste the salt on your lips and see salt powder on towels as the therapy progresses. Upon completing your treatment, you may also notice salt particles on your clothing. They are easily removed by being dusted off.

The therapy works subtly, so you may not immediately experience visible changes. But rest assured that it effectively purifies, disinfects and renourishes your lungs and skin, cleanses energetical bodies, and calms down the nervous system.


Swedish Massage refers to various techniques designed to relax muscles by applying pressure against deeper muscles and bones and rubbing in the same direction as the flow of blood returning to the heart. It involves kneading, stroking, friction, tapping, and vibration and may relieve stiffness, numbness, pain, constipation, and other health problems.

The primary purpose of Swedish Massage is to increase the oxygen flow in the blood and release toxins from the muscles. Other possible benefits include stimulation of circulation. It is particularly loved by people who enjoy a deeper massage that is also profoundly relaxing.

This massage is focused on pain relief work. A favourite amongst athletes, deep tissue massage helps release resistant knots to create a better range of motion for joints and muscles.

It focuses on damaged tissue and knots with deep, precise massage techniques. It uses appropriate pressure to promote the healing of scar tissue and relieve the pain of soft tissue injuries, chronic conditions, stress and tension.

As it sounds, this type of massage targets the inner layers of your muscles. Elbows and forearms may apply increased pressure during a deep tissue massage. This may be necessary to assist with muscle and tendon injuries, pain, and stiffness in your major muscle groups and joints. (Vs. Swedish massage focuses on relaxation, targets the superficial layers of muscle and focuses on the parts of your body that tend to hold the most tension, such as your neck, shoulders, and back). Expect you to feel sore for one to two days after the deep tissue session.

Thai Yoga Massage is a form of bodywork that combines dynamic assisted stretching influenced by Yoga and physical pressure along energy lines influenced by Chinese acupuncture and Ayurveda. This type of massage is usually performed on a mat on the floor, though sometimes it (or some parts of it) can be done on a massage table. The Thai Yoga massage is beneficial for releasing muscle tension and improving flexibility and mobility.

Body Scrubs and Wraps

Our Salt Glow treatment uses natural ingredients to gently massage and exfoliate the skin over most of your body. This will remove any accumulated dead skin cells and toxins on the surface and promote further detoxification as circulation increases.

When you shower off, your skin will tingle and feel silky smooth. Besides leaving you feeling just plain wonderful, Salt Glow will enhance the results you achieve from your cleanse.

Very similar to Salt Glow, except Sugar is used instead of salt. This treatment is best suited for sensitive skin.

Caffeine is a vasodilator which relaxes blood vessels in the skin. This action makes blood vessels more supple and firmer very quickly, which is reflected in your skin texture.

Due to this effect, this treatment may be very beneficial for those who combat varicose or spider veins, as well as reduce the appearance of cellulite.


Aromatherapy is used in a combination with a light massage with the use of organic essential oils. This therapy may be especially beneficial for people with nervous, hormonal systems and sleep disorders. It deeply nourishes your body’s energetics. While aromatherapy is a type of massage, the main focus here is oil application and its effect on your various energetic bodies and chakras.

Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy is a form of bodywork that works with the central nervous system, particularly with cerebral fluid and gentle manipulation of bones in the skull and spine. On the outside, it is experienced as energy work with long holds at specific points throughout the body (head, spine and other areas). Though the effect of the therapy is profound, during the session, it may feel as if nothing happens, and it is done mostly in silence. The end result is usually a feeling of calmness, deep relaxation, increased energy and groundedness.

Craniosacral Therapy helps by supporting the systems and organs in your body most affected by trauma and stress. This therapy can bring your nervous system out of the sympathetic fight-flight or freeze response into a healthy parasympathetic state, which is imperative to healing. It may be especially beneficial for sleep issues, chronic fatigue and anxiety, as well as for TMJ, traumatic brain/spinal injuries and headaches. It may help to relieve or eliminate various conditions related to restrictions in the spine and skull.

Somatic Body Therapy, originated by Peter Levine, focuses on assisting with the release of emotional trauma and trauma memories stored in our body, as well as working with our nervous system. “Somato” refers to all of the body’s soft tissues, including muscles, connective tissues and organs. The therapy applies several physical and energy techniques for healing. Your session may include awareness of bodily sensations, energy, breathing techniques, physical exercise, voice work, movement and healing touch. Standard methods include titration (moving to a resource or place of safety) and pendulated (moving between homeostasis and a state where physical symptoms are present) processes. Somatic therapy may benefit people with depression, panic attacks, anxiety, stuck emotions, persistent negative thought patterns and emotional hypersensitivity.

Reiki may assist with decreasing fatigue, stress and anxiety by allowing healing energy to flow freely throughout the body, which typically results in relaxation and reduced pain and tension.

Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan in the early 20th century, according to the Earl E. Bakken Center for Spirituality and Healing.

It’s based on the idea that we all have an unseen “life force energy” that flows through our bodies, according to the International Center for Reiki Training. A Reiki practitioner gently moves her hands just above or on the client’s clothed body to reduce stress and promote healing by encouraging a healthy flow of energy.

Each practitioner has a unique set of skills and may additionally use other energy techniques. Due to this, each Reiki session is a unique experience.


While counselling helps you work with the painful past, Life Coaching may help provide guidance and support in various life areas, including goal-setting for future plans.


If you would like training in a private setting, with a focus on either strength building or limited fitness ability due to past injuries, or if you need a more individualized approach, these sessions may benefit you.

Learn to adapt poses for your body type, injury or illness. During your private lesson, the instructor will be able to see areas that need improvement and will include specific postures and breathing exercises tailored to your individual needs.

The benefits of learning yoga one on one are that you can progress further, learn more quickly, and move at your own pace. Use this experience to learn how to incorporate yoga at home and for personal growth.

Suppose you would like to spend more one-on-one time with our chef,  more hands-on experience, ideas on ingredients substitutions or how to incorporate new habits into your daily routine. In that case, this session will help you to get the additional support you need.

The list above is not exhaustive because our practitioners are healers and often are trained in various techniques. However, due to unique skills and to ensure all guests are provided with a variety of services, we cannot guarantee the availability of those unique therapies or a specific therapist.

Upon arrival, starting from Wed, you may change the appointment type with the same practitioner, if desired (subject to their individual range of services). All additional bookings are done upon arrival and are subject to availability and a certain maximum number of appointments per day (due to safety).


Therapies offered are subject to the availability of practitioners and are subject to change without notice. If we are unable to offer a specific therapy from your package, we’ll replace it with a service of an equal value or will reimburse.