Project Description
Sandie, BC, Canada
“I felt compressed by life and that was reflected in my whole body… In how my joints and my muscles were seized up… Being able to alkalize and re-mineralize, and detox, and get the treatments, everything started to lengthen and loose up and release… I can do the things I could not do before, like to put my hand behind my back. I couldn’t do it, honestly, – and it is just in a few days. It shows how powerful it is.”
Improvements with: Joint Rejuvenation, Sleep, Stress Management, Weight Loss (4.2 lbs. In 5 days).
Before | After |
First Visit to Fresh Start. Back in 2011 I was really desperate to make changes to my health and looked up on the internet. All retreats were in US, and Fresh Start was the only one in Canada. I was excited, especially because it is on the Vancouver Island, besides the ocean. | The first time I came, it was such a revelation. I did not know about cleansing, how to do it in the proper way. When I was guided, it went very deep. It was difficult, but I was supported. When I came to the other side, it was like a miracle. Inflammation and pain went down, sleep better, energy, clarity and thrill of living way up. |
Physical changes, but still old programming. The big problem was that I got changes physically, but I did not change the programming mentally, the blueprint that had caused me to go to the wrong path in the first place. I came back to the Fresh Start seeing to retrieve those benefits, but I wasn’t working on my emotional or energetic health. | When I came back, I found emotional guidance and support and started to release past issues that I even didn’t know that I had them, issues on the subconscious. I had people working with my energy. So it fixed it on a deeper level. Gradually, I was able to adopt more of the new lifestyle and not to keep going back to the same patterns. |
Wanted to be a part off elevating others. I became very inspired and wanted to participate. I felt so bonded to my Fresh Start group and I felt very elevated. So I thought I want to be a part of doing it for people, be a part of the team that assists in elevating of the entire being. I applied as a colon hydrotherapist, but I was told that I needed more experience. I set-up my clinic and I was working for several years and then I’ve heard that a position was open. | What can I do? I do not have these gifts that other amazing practitioners do. I decided to do something very practical and to become a colon hydrotherapist, which means I clean people out. I came out and I tried it, and I fell in love. And I went back, took my husband and we moved. Now we are residents here. |
Repeat Guest and Detox and Recharge Program Participant. I came several times as a participant. I was fortunate to participate in the first Detox and Recharge program. I was really struggling, going downhill and I didn’t know how to get out of it. And I did not know how I could join the program when I was working here. But I was able to, and it was like a miracle. | It was really hard. I went into a deep dive of detox, but coming out of it again was: “Thank God, this was exactly what I needed!”. It is so much easier, when you had that boost, to keep going. |
Joint and Muscle issues. Felt compressed by life, and it was reflected inmy whole body. I felt compressed, and restricted, and stiff, and contracted. I just felt under a pressure cooker. And it was reflected how my joints and muscles were seized up. When your muscles and joints are seized up, they pull everything out of alignment. | My joints are so relieved, they are not burning anymore and not nearly as painful. There is more work to do, but I can do things I could not do before. I can put my arm behind my back, I could not do that. It is just in a few days, it shows how powerful it is. |
Body Acidity. I was becoming very acidic, because I was turning to coffee and sugar, just to keep going. | I was able to alkalize and mineralize. With alkaline diet, acid got flushed away. |
Flexibility. It was becoming difficult to make a fist. Every joint in my body were so sore. | Everything started to lengthen, and to loosen up and release. All kinds of therapies, new things I’ve never tried. It was just the right thing for me. Everything that happened, it felt like it was planned by the Divine for my needs, because I got everything I needed. |
Sleep. I had a lot of difficulty sleeping, because of the pain in the back and hips, and the pain seemed to move around. If my hip was better, than the shoulder would become a problem. And my neck went out. And then I couldn’t walk. My knees, I couldn’t walk up the stairs. I felt like I was 200 yrs. old. It was difficult to wake up and get out of bed. | My sleep is much better. It is much improved. I fall asleep much earlier and sleep though the night. |
Energy. Extremely low energy. | More optimistic. Better sleep helps. |
Emotional. I was giving up, in despair. | Sense of optimism came back. |
Experience Highlights:
- Group time, connecting with others
- Body Treatments. Experiencing new modalities.
- Recommendations I’ve got from various practitioners for after the program
- Detox
Therapies Completed: 10
- 1 Salt Scrub
- 1 Massage
- 4 Energy Work
- 1 Ionic Foot Detox
- 3 Infrared Saunas