Kidney Detox – A Holistic Detox Retreat in 2023

Kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs that are about four to five inches long and responsible for one of the most essential tasks in our body – filtering our blood
It is essential to take care of the kidneys so that they can perform this demanding task at their optimum. In this article, we will learn how they operate, their functions, and how to maintain their health through detox naturally.
Let’s get started.
Kidney Function

Your urinary tract, which consists of kidneys, ureters, and bladder, is responsible for excreting metabolic waste from your body.
People often complain about their back pain, thinking the primary cause is spine issues. However, backaches are frequently caused by dehydration of your kidneys. If you don’t consume enough water or liquids, over time it can negatively impact your kidney health. “Bags” above or below the eyes (puffy eyes), and protein in the urine and unexplained thirst, inspite sufficient water intake, may all be signs of kidney malfunction.
Kidneys are located just below our rib cage, each placed on either side of our spleen. Every minute, they filter about half a cup of blood. This filtering process involves the removal of toxins and water from our system, which are converted into urine to be eliminated.
The kidneys are involved in the following functions:
- Blood pressure regulation;
- Maintaining the consistent volume of the body fluids our body, including electrolyte and acid-base balance;
- Metabolic waste removal;
- Stimulation of the red blood cells through specific hormone production;
- Activation of vitamin D and regulation of bone metabolism.
To summarise, our kidneys are responsible for maintaining homeostasis (= a physiological and chemical balance in the body).
Blood Pressure Regulation

The following formula reflects how your blood pressure works:
“Cardiac output X total peripheral resistance = Arterial pressure (Blood Pressure)”
It’s a bit complicated, but let’s try to explain it in more popular terms.
Cardiac Output = the amount of blood your heart pumps in a minute. Stronger your heart, the more blood it can pump in one shot. It means better circulation while maintaining a lower pulse rate.
Peripheral Vascular Resistance = means the resistance of the arteries to the blood flow. When arteries narrow, their resistance increases (= the blood pressure goes up), and when the arteries widen, the resistance decreases (= the blood pressure goes down).
You may have heard that kidneys have something to do with your blood pressure. But how do they control your blood pressure and blood health?
- Our kidneys maintain peripheral vascular resistance by producing the hormone called angiotensin II involved in regulating the fluid volume. If your blood pressure falls too low, a healthy kidney will increase it by retaining the fluid in your body instead of removing it in urine. And on the opposite, if the blood pressure excessively increases, the kidney will excrete a large amount of water to maintain normal blood pressure.
- Kidneys also affect cardiac output by controlling the excretion of salt and water from your urine. If the salt or sodium amount in the blood is increased, the blood volume increases. When kidneys do not function optimally, especially if there is dehydration and high salt intake, it puts more stress on the heart because it needs to pump harder to get blood to the kidneys. In the long run, blood pressure changes may lead to a heart condition.
Maintaining the pH and Volume of Body Fluids

Our blood pH level lies between 7.35-7.45. If the blood becomes too acidic or basic, it causes kidney stone formation, which can cause various issues. Kidney stones form when there is a pH imbalance or frequent abrupt pH changes. A hereditary factor plays here an important role. A high-protein diet, coffee, alcohol and other acidic foods will make your blood more acidic. Eating a lot of alkaline foods and having m regular meals is essential for maintaining kidney health, especially if you have a family history of kidney disease or kidney stones.
Predominantly, sodium concentration predetermines the water volume in your blood and lymph. Sodium increases your blood volume and decreases urine production. When sodium drops too low in your blood, the ADH (anti-diuretic hormone) is secreted in the kidneys. This causes constriction of the blood vessels and water reabsorption and retention in the body.
Water reabsorption takes place in the collecting ducts. This helps to maintain optimum water balance in the body. Low sodium levels will manifest in the feeling of thirst. Thirst will make you reach for a glass of fresh water to replenish the body fluids.
Removing Metabolic Waste

Kidneys are responsible for filtering our blood. How does filtering take place? The kidneys house a million (approximately one million) tiny “filters,” known as nephrons. These nephrons have a cluster of small blood capillaries known as the glomerulus and a tube known as the renal tubule. When blood enters the nephrons, it first goes through the glomerulus, where the first set of filtering takes place. Next, the filtered blood is then passed through the renal tubule, through which it returns to the circulatory system. The fluid “sediment,” known as urine, is then passed through the urinary duct for excretion.
When kidneys do not function properly, there will be less oxygen and more waste and water in the blood. This may lead to various issues, including developing edema (excess fluid in body tissues).
Production of RBC (Red Blood Cells)

How does RBC get produced in our body? Kidneys make the hormone Erythropoietin (EPO) responsible for producing red blood cells. No surprise that people with weak kidneys often suffer from anemia.
Vitamin D Activation

Some of the food we consume has vitamin D. However, this vitamin Ds biologically inactive, which means unusable. It is like having money in your bank account and needing help to cash out.
In order to fully utilize this vitamin D, there should be a “catalyst” to convert it into a usable form. The kidneys host vitamin D receptors, where vitamin D gets bonded and converted to its active state calcitriol. Calcitriol helps us maintain normal levels of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, which is essential for our bones’ strength.

Hydronephrosis is a condition in which urine output is abnormal. In this condition, the kidneys excrete urine, but it is not drained correctly into the bladder. The water retracts back to the kidney and causes the kidney to swell up. This may be caused by numerous factors, such as kidney stones, a blockage in the urinary tract, blood clots in the passage, tumours, or even an enlarged prostate or persistent infection in the urinary tract.
Did you know that the kidneys are some of the most complicated organs? The main reason is that there may be no symptoms until it reaches the later stage of issues. It is said that the kidney can lose almost 80% of its functionality before symptoms start to appear.
Symptoms of Hydronephrosis:
The notable symptoms are:
- Frequent stomach and back pain
- Infection in the urinary tract
- High blood pressure
- Kidney stones
Symptoms of kidney disease often come when it is in a quite advanced stage. Many people do not know that their kidneys malfunction because they do not feel pain or another pronounced discomfort before major issues appear. Even when people suffer from hydronephrosis, they may not experience all the associated symptoms.
How Can You Improve the Kidney Function?
Traditional Medical Approach
Kidney disease is typically diagnosed at late stages, and medical professionals believe there is no cure.
At later stages, when severe edema and a life-threatening kidney condition are present, the person is put on dialysis (blood is taken out of a person’s arm, filtered through a special machine, and then returned to another one). The procedure lasts 3-4 hours and is repeated about three 3 times weekly.
Alternatively, a person may be recommended a kidney transplant.
Holistic Methods for Kidney Detox
First and foremost, we aim to prevent. A balanced diet can decrease the risk of most health problems, including chronic kidney-related issues.
Decrease Animal Protein, Salt, and Sugar Intake

One of the important measures would be to cut down on sugar and salt intake. Try to limit your sodium consumption to 2,500 mg per day. Include in your diet as many vegetables as possible, especially greens. Minimize processed foods and meats. Eat fresh foods at regular intervals of time in the day. Skipping meals can also damage your kidneys and cause chronic kidney issues. An apple a day keeps the doctor away! Some state that apple juice contains acid that dissolves kidney stones.
Hydrate Regularly
And the most important advice is to drink enough water – at least two lit times daily! Water will prevent the concentration of toxins and decrease stress on your kidney.
Keep Moving

Exercise is crucial in kidney disease prevention and kidney detoxification. From blood circulation to strengthening your heart, regular exercise helps support your circulatory system, which is needed to keep your kidneys in great shape. Exercise has a positive effect on your blood pressure. When you exert your muscles, it enlarges the blood vessels and makes the blood circulate freely, reducing your blood pressure.
Hiking and cycling are wonderful ways to maintain your kidneys and overall health.
Monitor Sugar, Blood Pressure, and Weight

When body cells cannot process glucose effectively, as in diabetes, it causes the kidney to overwork. The prolonged high blood sugar levels may cause severe damage to the body organs. Healthy blood pressure (110/70), pre-diabetes/ diabetes type II, and weight are related conditions and may be defined as a Metabolic Disorder if occurring together. They are almost 100% related to the diet. We’ve seen a guest after guest having their blood sugar dramatically improved just through a diet change over a few days or weeks. Diet and digestive health are among the most significant factors effecting the health of your kidneys.
Avoid Smoking

Smoking causes cancer and is dangerous to your health. Inhaling tobacco fumes damages the blood vessels and causes their compression, impairing blood circulation. Avoid passive smoking wherever possible.
Safe Home Kidney Cleanses
Kidneys are delicate organs, and you need to treat them with care. The tips below are quite safe for most people. The exception is if you have a history of kidney disease.

Equipment Required: Juicer
Step 1: Sprint for 15-20 min (running a shortquickance at high speed, alternating with short stops). The purpose of this is increased circulation, allowing blood to be drawn to your kidneys to cleanse them effectively.
Note: If your mobility does not allow sprinting: it may be replaced by a 30-45 min session of Infrared Sauna right prior to the juice intake.
Step 2: Drink 1 cup of the following drink containing celery juice:
Prepare juice from: 70 celery juice, 30% Granny Smith or Pink Lady Apples (or other tart types of apples) and a touch of ginger.
Add to the juice a tiny pinch of cayenne (this will enhance circulation).
Take the juice immediately after the sprint or sauna.
Frequency of the cleanse: repeat the cleanse every 2nd day, 3 cleanses in total.
Repeat the cleanse 2 times a year.
HOME KIDNEY CLEANSE 2: Intermittent Melon Fasting

CAUTION!!! This cleanse is CONTRAINDICATED for people with diabetes and hypoglycemia (=sugar shakes), anemia, and anyone prone to dizziness and fainting. You also should not fast if you are post-chemo, have cancer or other advanced degenerative diseases, or are underweight, malnourished, or debilitated; if you have advanced depression or anxiety, eating disorders such as bulimia or anorexia, or if you are on multiple medications. Take caution if you eat an extremely poor diet (due to potential strong detoxification symptoms).
Cleanse Preparation
It is best to do this cleanse in the melon season, when they have the most nutrients and when the temperature outside is warm, as your body temperature will drop during this cleanse.
All you need for this cleanse is whole melons, watermelons, and some lemons. Pick a few of your favourite melon varieties.
How to Perform the Cleanse?
- Cut and eat watermelon and melons instead of supper. Finish eating by 7 p.m. and do not consume other food for supper. Exception: when fasting is contraindicated, you may eat a simple salad 20-30 min after melons consumption.
- In the morning and another time of the day: drink 1 cup of lemon water on empty stomach (Squeese 1-2 Tbs. fresh lemon juice into 1 cup purified water; take twice a day).
- Additionally, it would be beneficial, if you can do a workout before your melon supper. It will enhance blood circulation and effectiveness of the cleanse, as well as weight loss.
Length of the fast: have healthy foods for breakfast and lunch, and eat melons only for supper for 2 weeks.
Purpose of the Cleanse: to lighten your digestive system while deeply hydrate your kidneys. By doing this, you allow your body process the accumulated toxins.
This cleanse may be very beneficial for someone who is healthy but has been consuming excess of unhealthy foods and needs some unclogging of the system.
HOME KIDNEY CLEANSE 3: Stinging Nettle Smoothie

Stinging nettle is not widely available, but if you look around in Feb or March in your health food store, or if you live in the country, around the river banks, you’ll find it. This delicacy usually has a very short season, but your kidneys will highly appreciate you finding it.
Stinging nettle is rich in minerals and is one of the best kidney tonics. It also cleanses your blood and energetic bodies (=negative emotions).
Add a handful or more to your smoothie, depending on whether you’ve eaten them before. Do not be afraid of the stings, they will fully blend, and your smoothie will not burn your mouth. Just be careful when handling the nettles. Use gloves or tweezers.
The stinging nettle has a very pleasant flavour. All you need is to add 1-2 cups water and some fruit, such as an apple, a banana, and a handful of raspberries or strawberries. You need to have a good quality blender, such as Vita-Mix. Chop the nettle before putting it in to avoid the stems wrapping around the blades of your blender. Remove all the stems if your blender does not have a powerful motor.
Suggested Frequency: Every day for one week or every 2nd day for two weeks to your smoothies. Do it annually, in the nettle season.
Disclaimer: The cleanses suggested above do not represent or replace medical advice. Since we do not have the ability to monitor your detox and do not know your individual health condition, you’ll be using them at your own risk.
The elixir of life, water is the best drink for detoxifyng your kidneys. Water helps to prevent kidney stones and to clear excess sodium. It is recommended to consume 2 liters of water daily.
A balanced diet, exercising regularly, monitoring your salt consumption, blood pressure and weight, avoiding smoking, and adequate water intake can help detox and maintain your kidney health.
Are You Thinking Of Getting a Kidney Detox Retreat?
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