Digestive System Cleansing, or Why to Give it a Sh.T
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Disclaimer: Please note that this article uses a lot of sh.t word, because it is appropriate for the topic.
Why to Detox Your Digestive System?
Many prejudices and misconceptions surround the concept of body detox. It is often associated with obsessed health freaks and hypochondriacs. Some object that normal healthy people do not need to detox, as it does it itself naturally. This is 100% true… in theory.
Unfortunately, Most of Us Are Not as Healthy as We Could Be
Some of us have become so accustomed to bloating and brain fog after a meal, minor aches and pains throughout the body or low energy that we consider them normal, something to put up with. The truth is that though they are common, they are definitely not normal.
Perfect health means total absence of pain, imbalances and illness. What about tired-looking yellowish or greyish skin, splitting hair, bad breath or under-armpit odor, or not getting a bowel movement after every meal (which should be a norm)?
Think about this: If your body is not regularly ridding itself of the solid waste the digestive process creates, where do you think it all goes?
It stays inside, creating a thick crusty compost along the whole digestive tract. It bulges your belly. It rots there and makes your breath foul. And it doesn’t stop there. Some of this stuff can get reabsorbed and harm your body cells, while the rest can stay in the digestive tract for years, making the colon narrower and preventing nutrients from being absorbed and utilized. Nutritional deficiencies plus autointoxication (re-absorption of solid waste) can cause all kinds of break downs, including cancer.
Death Starts in the Colon!
The March 1998 issue of Vegetarian Times revealed this startling fact: “Autopsies often reveal colons that are plugged up to 80 percent with waste material.”
To put this in perspective… if an artery to your heart was 80% blocked, you’d be on the verge of a heart attack!
A Black Hole
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Most of us carry 5-20 lbs of waste in the colon. Sounds unreal? If a person eats 3 times a day and eliminates only once, guess where all the stuff goes? Yes, it accumulates in the colon in a form of thick, hard plaque – “rubber tires”.
The Ultimate Root Cause of All Diseases
Imagine for a moment a city with an underground sewer system. Every day, millions of pounds of waste are flushed down the tubes into the city’s sewer. Now, if there was a large blockage, it would only be a matter of time before…
The Streets Would Be Filled With Foul-Smelling Sludge!
It’s the same with your body. If there are any blockages in your digestive system, it’s only a matter of time before toxins build up in your joints, fat cells, and major organs.
These “rubber tires” prevent absorption of nutrients, make big bellies and constantly leach toxins into the blood and will eventually be deposited into the liver, lungs and skin. This toxic build-up in the entire body causes dozens of serious health problems like:
- Acne
- Eczema
- Migraines
- Constipation
- Diverticulitis
- Chronic Fatigue
- Cancer of the Colon
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- And more…
Diseases from Which Two Thirds of North Americans Die
At the beginning of the 20th century, the three main causes of death were pneumonia, tuberculosis and diarrhea. Chronic degenerative diseases, like diverticulitis or osteoporosis, were uncommon. Let’s look at our health now.
- 60% of adults ages 18 and over, or 14.1 million Canadians, are overweight or obese.1
- 70% of North Americans suffer from degenerative conditions.2
- In 2005-2006 every 17th Canadian had diagnosed diabetes. 3
- One in 5 Americans suffer from arthritis – the nation’s leading cause of disability over age 15.4
- 11% of Americans suffer from dementia, which is responsible for 50% of the admittance to nursing homes.5
- Every 3rd American dies of cardio-vascular diseases.6
- Almost every 2nd Canadian WILL get cancer in their lifetime, and every 4th will die of it.7
What do you do to not become part of these stats?
We Do Not Get Diseases, We Earn Them
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This bold statement was made by Dr. Joel Robbins, ND from Tulsa, Oklahoma. What does he mean by that? Very simple. We are conditioned to think that the majority of health issues are “caused” by mysterious reasons that are outside of our control. We even use the words like “he’s got heart disease” and “she’s got diabetes”. Dr. Robbins shows that diseases do not just happen. They develop over time after years of unhealthy lifestyle choices. This explains what he meant by “we earn them” (by how we eat and live).
How does this health breakdown start? First, our colon clogs up. When the body is unable to eliminate waste, it reabsorbs it. All the blood that comes from the intestines goes through the liver, which acts as a huge filter to clean out chemicals, drugs, and other elements. At first, the liver does its job to the best of its ability, but as time (and bad eating habits) goes on, it gets overloaded. When this happens, the liver will slow down and stop operating as effectively as before. It starts to delegate its jobs by sending some toxins to other parts of the body – extremities, joints and fat cells. As a result, toxins start accumulating in various parts and systems of the body, including the lungs, the blood, joints and skin.
Body cells will take up the job but can get overloaded over time. Then they will try to allocate “storage space” for all the junk they are receiving, and so will create a tumour. They will create a capsule for it to ensure it is well insulated. As the toxins continue increasing, the storage will get too small to hold them, and it will break. When this occurs, toxins start travelling around the body, poisoning tissues.
Body toxicity, combined with a lack of proper nutrients, takes a toll on our bodies over time. Without the body getting sufficient nutrients to self-repair and an opportunity to self-cleanse effectively, the toxins get deeper and deeper into the tissues and organs.
The Inside of Your Body Becomes a Toxic Landfill!
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How do you know that your body is becoming a landfill?
First of all, you smell. No, I do not mean roses or jasmine. We are talking about that cumin-like or pee-like stinky armpits, the “Roquefort cheese” smell coming off the feet, and a poo-like breath you turn your head away from. If you have any of these, this means that the toxins accumulated and now come out through your skin and breath!
Secondly, when your body gets full of garbage, you snore. While snoring may be caused by a number of things, the main reason is a stuffy nose, the nose filled with mucous. Mucous build-up means poor elimination of toxins.
And thirdly, you feel blah. The food does look attractive to you, and you just stuff yourself; you may even feel nauseated. Though not sick, you feel tired, bloated, old and not quite yourself.
Someone did a study and found out that our words may correlate with the issues we suffer with. We use words like to have guts, stomach it down, what’s the fluke, feeling like sh.t and the like. It turns out most people talk about their digestive system on a daily basis! If you use those in your vocabulary regularly, it may be a good idea to check out how your digestive system is doing.
When You Feel Like Sh… it’s Time to Get Rid of it
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May of our guests are surprised how much stuff comes out of their body during cleansing. They often say, holy sh.t! They describe it as “rubber tires”, “ropes”, “falling out guts” and many other “epithets”. And if they tell you in some nutrition school manuals that the “rubber tires” do not exist, let me tell you, some clients called me into the washroom to see them, and this is exactly what they looked like. Just out of aesthetic purposes I do not show you the pictures, but I’ve seen a ball of worms in a stool of a naturopathic physician who came for a cleanse, as well as a large furry ball of a golf-ball size coming out from one of the guest who did a lot of cleanses previously. Never mind all kinds of imaginable shapes and sizes of the stool, gallstones, little worms and large tapeworms.
If you think that your colon is super clean, and all of those people are just special, do not kid yourself. We live in a pizza-filled world where fibre is limited to a pea-sized salad on a side of the plate, and where majority of people move only when they go to the gym, and the rest of the time they spend sitting. Your colon cannot function optimally with this!
Cleansing of all this gunk from your colon should be the first step in regaining the vitality and maintaining the quality life after (and even before) 40.
Cleanse all that unwanted junk from your intestines. A body cleanse program with a good body detox diet can make a huge difference in how you feel.
Think about your cells. Your survival and well-being are their highest priorities. They will serve you well if you give them a chance to experience a relief they waited for so long. Give them a chance to catch up and get a breather.
How Can Fresh Start Help You to Clean Your Digestive System?
First, we start with gentle cleansing with Oxygen Cleanse and “Brush Foods”.
On the arrival night, we serve you a special preparatory drink, consisting of magnesium and oxygen. This drink will start gently releasing the toxins of your colon walls, to make the process of the cleansing of your intestines smoother.
Additionally, a large portion of the breakfasts and lunches served to you consist of organic raw gourmet meals, beautifully prepared by our exquisite chefs. The meals are not only a delight to the eyes and a joy to the cells, but are also very cleansing. Due to large amount of uncooked fibre, the body is able to start cleansing your colon, while you enjoy the yummy foods to live for!
Secondly, on Wed and Thu we’ll go into the hard core digestive detox:
Here, at Fresh Start, we use three primary methods of the deep Digestive System Cleansing:
#1 Pressure Hose = Isotonics
#2 Internal Poultice = Absorbent Drinks
#3 Colon Detailing = Colonics
Let’s Start with the Pressure Wash
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Twice a week we serve here a drink called Isotonic. It is made from two litres of water and high-grade Celtic Sea Salt. Yes, just with these two simple ingredients we thoroughly cleanse the entire digestive system, from your mouth and esophagus to the colon.
First of all, Isotonic, acts a pressure hose. Within 20 min after taking it in, you normally start eliminating it rectally. The Isotonic will remove toxins from your entire digestive tract, from the top to the bottom. The feeling after the flush can be described as feeling cleaning from the inside out. Your digestive system feels very clean, your taste buds clear and your sinuses improve.
A specific concentration of salt in the solution, making it similar to the concentration of salt in our blood, acts as a magnet and attracts toxins not just from your entire system, but also from body fluids and lymph. An expert on detoxification stated that Isotonic produces the flush of the entire lymphatic system, so you kill two birds with one stone – thoroughly detox lymph and digestive systems. There is no other such broad-acting method of detoxification that can do a full cleanse of two systems at once.
Isotonic Time is a Super Group Bonding Experience!
- Why do you become so close with your group, and how, after just a few days, you are able to create life-long connections?
- If after a few days you start talking about bowel movements with a stranger, there is nothing private left.
Fresh Start Staff and Guest Conversation
This is the time to laugh, to test your toughness and to get early. Where else do you get to talk about your bowel movements, in a super casual manner? How about sing a sexy Isotonic Song (will leave to your imagination to think what the content might be)?
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Poultice for Your Colon
Within one hour of taking of the Isotonic drink, you’ll follow-up with a Poultice Drink, containing clay, charcoal, and other absorbents. The purpose of this drink is to bind the released toxins as soon as possible, in order to prevent them from reabsorbing back into your system and to minimize detox symptoms.
The drink also contains some ingredients helping to heal the lining of your intestinal wall, which may be impacted by the previously attached parasites.
Since the drink contains apple juice, it is super delicious (though it will naturally have some gritty texture to it), but you have to drink it right away, to prevent form getting thick.
It’s Time for the Colon Detailing
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In combination with Isotonics, we use Colonics. For someone who’s a newbie, will briefly mention that Colonics, or Colon Hydrotherapy treatments is cleanse colon done with the use of a special machine.
The colonic cleansing process may remind you an enema, where the machine gently introduces into your colon purified water, except you do not need to hold the water all the time or to get up from the bed to remove it – the machine does it all for you, in and out. You are just laying on your back in a nice pair of shorts, covered with a blanket and chat with the lovely therapist.
The machine Aquanet 2000 is the most advanced technology on the market and has a built-in protective mechanism, where water pressure is automatically regulated. So it is very safe to do this therapy. The water that enters into the machine from the tap is purified through 3 filters, and when it comes out of your body, it goes down the drain, so the water that goes in and out never meet, which is also ensured by a special backflow-prevention valve. The hoses that are attached to your body are 100% disposable. Everything is super sanitary and safe.
Many People Ask, Since I am doing Isotonic Drinks, Why Do I Still Need Colonics?
The answer is – because they are complementary! While the Iso acts as a pressure hose, the water in colonics gently moves up the colon, reaching various pockets and corners and helping to dislodge parasites, many of which have “hooks” = attachments they secure themselves on the walls of the intestinal tract. If we compare Isotonic Drinks with a pressure wash, then colonics with colon detailing, because the water moves in a gentle manner and does a finer job.
Colonics, when done on their own, are not able to do such thorough job, as Isotonics. Primarily, because they only cleanse the last portion of the digestive tract and do not touch stomach or small intestine. Additionally, you need more colonics to do the depth of cleansing that the Iso-Colonic can do.
In other words, in a very short time, you do a very thorough cleanse, using both methods.
Hydration Therapy
As part of your program, you’ll be consuming 3 lit or more of liquids. This will ensure proper elimination of toxins from your intestinal tract and other organs and will minimize detox symptoms.
Role of Movement in Digestive Cleansing
Actively moving your body is critical for optimum colon work. Yoga and fitness classes, as well as nature walks that are part of your program, are simply a must for proper digestive cleanses, so please make sure you do not skip them (except if you have an appointment during that time, and there are plenty of opportunities to do exercises on your own, too, such as gym, private fitness class, or an independent walk).
Maintain Your Health
We see disease around us so often that at times we may convince ourselves that it is a normal part of aging and daily life that we have to live with. They even say, “living with diabetes” or “living with cancer,” as if it was a family member. Do you want to get a «buddy» like that? I don’t know how about you, but I’d say: no, thanks.
How much health do you feel comfortable with? Even if we are lucky enough to not have any major diseases, after we reach the age of 40 many of us start getting a belly, wearing eye glasses, progressively decreasing energy and fitness levels, experiencing stiffness in joints and suffering from back or neck pain. Do you like “living” with any of those?
At Fresh Start Health Retreat Centers, we believe that in finding the cause you find the cure. When we identify what our body and mind needs and start providing the missing ingredients, the body immediately turns on a powerful mechanism of self-healing and self-restoration. Many of our Go-Deeper Program guests see major improvements of digestive disorders, arthritis, asthma and other conditions.
You do not need to wait until you get so bad, you need to run to the doctor to get a pill, to support the health care system just to get “worth” of your life-long taxes. Investment into pills is a long-term investment, and it is best to think about it before you need it. I am still to see anyone going on meds for a week or two and then get off and say: I do not need it anymore.
You do not to get to a point you need an “excavator” or drugs to keep you going. There is no such thing as being “too healthy” or thinking too much in advance about your future. Maintenance and prevention is everything.
Health Starts in Your Colon!
Disclaimer: The methods described above are advanced and may not be suitable for people with all health conditions, as well as it is not recommended to repeat it at home without supervision. Please ensure you check Detox and Recharge Program Contraindications List.