Detox, Weight Loss and Metabolic Reset
How Does Fresh Start Program Help You Get Rid of Unwanted Inches and Pounds

Our #1 goal is to do it naturally, enjoyably and effectively. We use a combination of gentle and effective advanced whole-body detox drinks and supplements, specially designed cleansing meals, as well as the inclusion of gentle exercise and bodywork. Such holistic approach allows us to deeply cleanse your vital organs while nourishing your cells and keeping you active. We avoid both putting your body into starvation mode or a very heavy exercise load that may be too excessive for a deeper cleanse and when your body is exhausted.
Most Important Components of Weight Loss and How We Use Them

Digestive System Cleanse – simply put, if you remove 3 lbs. of fecal matter after a colonic (does not mean you have to have one), you already lost 3 lbs. without going on any diet. And if you do two colonics, it might be as well 5 lbs.! There is a huge difference between fat and colon matter loss. Just think of which one of the two you’d rather get rid of. Both count, but the last one causes a lot of health issues, the very fat deposition around the abdominal area and the perpetuation of weight gain.
After you cleanse your colon – the weight loss effects will typically continue, because your body absorbs nutrients better and works overall more effectively. More than one repeat guest who came for a program shared that he/she continued losing weight after the program without effort.
HOW DO WE CLEANSE YOUR COLON? At Fresh Start, we use digestive flushes and fibre-rich raw foods in order to thoroughly and effectively cleanse your entire digestive system, from the esophagus and stomach to the small intestine and colon. And of course, if you want to dive deeper and enhance the results, colonics will hugely help. This therapy is part of some of our packages.
Liver Cleanse – The liver is, probably, the most important metabolic organ in our body. If it does not work, you will NEVER lose weight. Some of the symptoms of a sluggish liver are excessive mucous production or phlegm, and various skin blemishes, such as acne, boils, and papilloma. The liver can only be cleansed effectively simultaneously or following the digestive system cleanse, because it is essential to have clear passages for safe elimination of toxins our livers are full of.
HOW DO WE DO CLEANSE YOUR LIVER? As a specific cleanse, we use Fresh Dandelion juice, as well as special shots and herbs, to support your liver in gentle, yet effective detoxification. However, our entire diet is liver cleansing, and various therapies also support the process.
Hormonal Rebalancing – The thyroid is another organ that is closely connected to our ability to lose weight. If it is out of whack, you may be exercising 5-6 days a week without losing an inch or pound. What’s more, if your adrenals are burnt-out (and this is 99% of clients who come to the Fresh Start – as per organ screen), this puts stress on the thyroid and it has to work harder.
HOW DO WE HELP REBALANCE YOUR HORMONES? On a daily basis, we use powerful hot and cold hydrotherapy treatments, which hugely support your hormonal system. Additionally, daily early supper and sleep routines, morning guided meditations and adrenal support supplementation are super helpful, too.
Blood Sugar Rebalancing – Insulin resistance is one of the reasons people won’t lose weight effectively. Keeping your blood sugar stable is an essential ingredient for a healthy weight. If when skipping a meal, you become shaky, dizzy or feel ill, the chances are you have a low blood sugar or hypoglycemia issue.
HOW DO WE HELP REBALANCE YOUR BLOOD SUGAR? Our diet is completely sugar-free and rich in raw foods and greens, which are super nourishing and tonifying for your pancreas.
NOTE: If you suffer from diabetes, we recommend our Physical Health GO-DEEPER™ Program – as we can then address the problem more specifically.
Parasites and Candida – if you crave sweets after each meal, it is almost guaranteed, you have some parasites and Candida taking over. These will make you eat more than you actually need because they live off you, but this does not mean that they will consume all the calories that come with it. Extra calories are extra calories and will deposit themselves as fat.
HOW DO WE DO WE CLEANSE CANDIDA AND PARASITES? Our digestive flushes, offered twice a week, are a very effective and fast method of Candida and parasite removal (especially in combo with colonics). Additionally, we use a powerful herbal cleanse that is specifically aimed at cleansing parasites and Candida.
Cellular Acidity – while people always loved food since the beginning of time, we never saw pandemics of obesity till the end of the previous century. In fact, an older generation still remembers that an obese person was a super rarity in school and it was typically the one suffering from an advanced health condition.
One of the most common causes of obesity is foods that contain artificial flavouring and preservatives, such as MSG (please read about MSG-induced obesity in rats). Your body will attempt to keep acids away from vital organs by storing them in fat as a survival mechanism because these acids are highly toxic to cells. MSG is virtually in everything, and even reading labels will not help you identify it, as manufacturing companies are not required to label it. These multiple chemicals largely present in foods make the cells expand and grow at astronomical rates. This is why alkalizing your body and learning how is an important step in weight loss.
HOW DO WE ALKALIZE OUR BODY? Our diet is highly alkalizing diet made from scratch, without preservatives, GMO, MSG or other chemicals. Additionally, fresh lemon juice and daily hydration with 2 lit of water that are part of the program help neutralize the pre-existing cellular acidity. In our Food Demo classes and lectures you will learn how to pick and prepare produce without hidden additives.
Energetic Cleanse and Nervous System Rebalancing – issues hide in tissues, and vice versa – issues predetermine tissues. Your body cells, like a fortress, protect you from negative emotions, and the more of those you experience on an ongoing basis, the bigger you will “grow”. As a result, some people may develop a “cortisol belly”, while others hang on to pounds in the hip area.
HOW DO WE DO AN ENERGETIC CLEANSE? We use various energy cleansing methods. We typically will include 1-2 in your program, depending on the package you choose. It may be somatic therapy, craniosacral therapy, Reiki, Tuning Forks or others. They all have one goal – to help you let go of past stresses stuck in your cells and to calm your nervous system. Additionally, Sleep Enhancing Tea and Magnesium Supplementation assist you in this, as well.
NOTE: If you are recovering from a severe trauma or suffer from an advanced emotional issue, we highly recommend you inquire about our Emotional Wellness GO-DEEPER™ Program.
Exercise Cleanse – while exercising 3 times a day 5 days a week may be too taxing on your body, if you sit a lot and do not move, the food will not be burning fast and clean. Some of it will be left to ferment (you may have a loud gas), or putrefy (gas smelling like a rotten egg). The fermented food over time will show up as a hanging belly and another type of fat excess around the abdominal area.
HOW DO WE USE EXERCISE TO DETOX? Moderate exercise, such as yoga, fitness workouts, and nature walks is used at the retreat and will help you get on track and create sustainable routines. For advanced results, we recommend our guests to run twice a day or walk for 2 hrs daily.
Lymph Detoxification – lymph vessels are located right underneath your skin and are responsible for proper toxins elimination. Along with the Liver, your lymph contributes to your metabolism quality. You stimulate your lymph system through breathing and movement. All activities that involve these two, will help you in cleansing the lymph.
HOW DO WE DO DETOXIFY YOUR LYMPH: Steam baths with cold treatments, walking barefoot, deep breathing, as well as exercise are used, to assist you in helping you in lymph detox and reset your metabolism. An infrared sauna may be a great aid in lymph detox and can be added to your program at an additional fee.

While individual weight loss results on the program vary it is common to see guests losing around 5 lbs. in 7 days.
The majority of the Detox and Recharge program guests lose at least ½ lb. per day. It may not sound like a lot for some people, but in some cases where a person is not able to lose weight for 8-10 yrs. (not even a pound), and it may be significant progress.
Your body may be in different stages of exhaustion, and organ health, and so many factors may influence your numbers, including dehydration. What’s most important is that no matter how big or small your weight loss results are, you know that when you detox your body, you work deeply on resetting your metabolism and addressing underlying issues of the weight gain. Even if you do not lose as much as you hoped for as fast as you desired, you’ll feel better, most likely will sleep and digest better, and this is what will help you to keep the momentum going and to make better food choices.
Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that our Detox and Recharge programs may not be the best option for people with advanced emotional or physical issues, as their condition and meds can get destabilized. They can still do a detox, but it needs to be specially designed and customized. In those cases, please inquire about our GO-DEEPER™ Programs as they may be much more suitable.