What Is Liver Detox and Why Should You Get One? – A Beginner’s Guide

Being the largest internal organ in our body, Liver performs various essential functions, including detoxification of the blood, activation of enzymes, bile production; excretion of cholesterol, drugs, and bilirubin. In total, there are over 500 known liver functions. Yes, you read that right, 500. More significant the number of functions, the larger the factors that could go wrong. So, we must be aware of how the liver functions, what can clog it, and how do you detox it.
Main Liver Functions
As we said earlier, the liver performs over 500 functions in our human body.
Some of them include:
- Bile production. Bile aids in breaking down fats and toxins elimination.
- Regulates the amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.
- Conversion of glucose surplus into glycogen (storage of glucose).
- Hemoglobin transportation.
- Toxins removal from the blood.
Why Should I Consider Liver Detox?
Our liver should be technically self-cleansing. However, it gets constantly bombarded with various toxins that make it challenging. Let’s list a few here.
Refined Sugar

If you are thinking that too much sugar only causes diabetes, let me tell you it doesn’t. It damages not only your teeth, but also your liver. Yes, you read that right. If you consume too much sugar on a regular basis, it increases the possibility of fat build-up that leads to liver disease.
Soft Drinks

Soft drinks contain sulfuric acid and more sugar, which is not a great combo and contribute to fatty liver and increase insulin resistance.

They say, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Well, it all begins with one sip. Then for friends, then for yourself, and before you realize it, it becomes an addiction. Getting a liver detox won’t do much good if you keep your drinking habits high. So, drink less, and save your liver.
Trans Fats

Not all kinds of fats are bad for your health. But all fats when heated become trans fats. These are found in pizza, cookies, cakes, and French fries. The problem with trans fats is that they remind you of the wrong pieces of a puzzle: they take space for good fats which are essential for building your cell membranes and brain health. Yes, these fats take up the space of healthy fats but are not able to fulfill their function, which causes fat deficiency. But what’s more, trans fats also contribute to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which can lead to liver inflammation or even tumor.
How Does the Liver Cleanse Itself When It Functions Optimally?

Every single food element, from the essential nutrients such as glucose to the most poisonous ones, like arsenic, goes through a control station called the Liver after getting into the body. This station decides where everyone and everything belongs and sends them to their appropriate locations.
The liver removes toxins, including auto-toxins or toxins formed by the body. When you do not chew properly, eat foods in the wrong combinations, eat on the run, or eat too much, the carbohydrates in food may ferment (you become like a loud volcano), or its proteins may putrefy (you smell like a rotten egg). When any of those happen, you haven’t digested anything and bacteria start doing it for you. While it may sound like super delegation, it is not free. Bacteria form toxic by-products, which spill into your circulatory system.
For example , excessive ammonia is released during the putrefaction process, and ammonia is a very harmful substance. The liver will create urea to protect you by binding two ammonia and carbon dioxide. When you do not chew well and as a result do not digest your food properly, your liver has to work hard!
The liver detoxifies itself through the addition of oxygen. This is why getting an adequate amount of fresh air is essential for your liver’s ability to do its primary tasks.The liver also uses Sulphur to detoxify. Cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower and kohlrabi) are supportive of liver detox.
Symptoms Of Liver Disease

The term “liver disease” is a general term used to indicate various illnesses in the liver.
Let’s cover some of the common liver-issues-related symptoms:
- Abdominal pain, especially on the right side
- Swelling of the liver, extending outside of the ribs on the right-hand side
- Skin and eyes look yellowish
- Nausea or vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Feeling tired all the time
- Chronic rhinitis and phlegm overproduction
- Getting bruised easily
- Pimples and boils
- Itchy Skin
- Skin hyperpigmentation (= new brown “birthmarks), hypopigmentation (white spots), growing moles and skin tags
- Light-coloured or greasy stool
- Frequent bloating
When you see multiple symptoms, it means your liver may benefit from a good cleanse.
How do I detox my liver naturally?
Include Liver Cleansing Foods

Your liver enjoys weird things – those flavors you probably would not pick for comfort foods. As you know, the liver suffers from those, including trans fats, soft drinks and coloring. The liver appreciates onion, garlic, artichokes, asparagus, cruciferous vegetables and everything bitter.
Stay Hydrated

Water is required to flush the toxins from your system. Just like a car wash, you need it to wash your internal organs. Aim for 2 liters of water intake daily.
Exercise Regularly

Staying active not only strengthens your muscles. Exercise helps prevent obesity, and obesity leads to the formation of visceral fat, including fat around your liver. Non-alcoholic fatty liver is a common problem, which may become a life-threatening condition in its advanced stages. Poor liver metabolism also impacts your beauty: cellulite is one of the signs that your liver is not functioning optimally.
Be Cautious with Medications

All medications are broken down and eliminated by your liver. Be mindful when taking over-the-counter drugs, and do not take them lightly.
Holistic Methods Used for Liver Cleansing
Many of us don’t realize how many toxins we absorb, inhale and consume. Some are unavoidable. Others can be bypassed. These toxins include food additives, preservatives and coloring. In addition, toxins can enter your body through inhaling and absorption through your skin.
A liver detox may bring a huge benefit to your entire body and restore your liver function. In addition, it can promote better digestion, and diminish skin issues and allergies. You’ll feel fresh and more energized throughout the day.
Take the Bitter with the Sweet
Your liver will love it if you start including some bitter in your diet. The cleanses offered here all are based on using bitters. Bitters stimulate bile flow, and as a result, it flushes your liver and removes the accumulated toxins.
Can I do Liver Cleanse at Home?
Do not do the liver cleanses below if you have gallstones, because the cleanse may activate their movement, and large gallstones may block the bile duct.
The cleanse is also contraindicated for people on multiple medications, those with a history of hepatitis C or D, liver cirrhosis, AIDS/ HIV and other advanced diseases involving liver malfunction, especially with such symptoms as brown urine and jaundice.
Also please keep in mind that liver detoxification may bring out suppressed emotions. It may not be a good idea to do an intensive liver cleanse if you are experiencing an acute emotional trauma or are on mood-modifying medications, as a liver cleanse may intensify those emotions and destabilize you.
Whenever you do any cleanses, it is critical to get adequate water intake, oxygen and rest. Skipping these may lead to undesired side effects.
If in doubt, check with your local naturopathic physician or another qualified healthcare professional.
Home Liver Cleanse #1: Dandelion Smoothies and Salads

For this cleanse, you will need some fresh dandelion leaves. You can try to locate them in your health food store (you may need to pre-order in advance). You may also pick some wild dandelions. However, here is a very important pre-caution: pick away from busy public places and ensure they are pesticide-free. Collecting dandelion leaves on a pasture is safe, but it is not a good idea on golf courses or lawns.
<strong>Make a green smoothie</strong>: add one grapefruit (if not contraindicated for your health), one apple, 1 cup of water and a few handfuls of dandelion. If your dandelion has large stems, remove them prior to adding to the blender. Blend thoroughly. Add a handful of frozen berries and a half to one banana at the end.
If you do not have a blender, you can eat 5-6 young dandelion leaves a day; simply slowly chew them. If the leaves are mature, remove the stem prior.
Alternative Option: Dandelion Tea
If you do not have access to fresh dandelions, you may find unroasted dandelion tea made by Traditional Medicinals. Steep it for 5-10 min in a cup of boiled water and drink as a usual tea.
Frequency suggested: daily for 2-3 weeks.

Alternative Option: Dandy Blend Tea

If you do not have access to fresh dandelion or do not want to bother, this option may work better for you. Dandy Blend is an herbal beverage made with roasted dandelion roots. Follow the instructions on the package and enjoy. It is yummy to add some almond milk to this tea.
Frequency suggested: Take whenever desired.
Home Liver Cleanse #2: Bitter Salads
How to Perform the Cleanse:
Include in your salads a handful of bitter greens, such as arugula, endive, radiccio and escarole.
Frequency suggested: 3 times a week for 1 month




Home Liver Cleanse #3: Swedish Bitters
Purchase in health food store Swedish Bitter’s Tincture.
How to Perform the Cleanse:
Take 1 Tbs. with a meal, 2-3 times a day. This will help not only cleanse your liver but also activate your digestion.
Frequency suggested: 2-3 times a week for 2 weeks
Note: Use only one of the three methods above. You do not want to overdo on bitters.
Disclaimer: The cleanses suggested above do not represent and do not replace a medical advice. Since we do not have an ability to monitor your detox and do not know your individual health condition, you’ll be using them at your own risk.
Frequently Asked Questions
Performing a liver detox will not only improve your liver health, but also will increase energy and promote the overall health of your body.
Foods like cruciferous, onions, garlic, artichoke, asparagus, grapefruit, endive, arugula and lemons help promote liver health.
The first thing you need to do is cut down the intake of alcohol, transfats and other junk foods to avoid further damage. Incorporating a balanced diet with abundance of fruit, greens, vegetables and nuts will greatly help. Make sure to drink plenty of water to detox your liver naturally.
Are You Thinking Of Getting a Liver Detox Retreat?
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